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Physical Geography Practice Quiz: Soils II

Test your knowledge with this physical geography practice quiz


1. In cool humid climates, such as in the regions of the boreal forest biome, which process develops a shallow, acidic, ashy-gray soil low in nutrients?

C. Podzolization


2. There is a soil-forming process, typical of the humid tropics, that includes rapid weathering of the parent material, leaching of silica, and a concentration of iron and aluminum oxides. What is this process called?

A. Laterization


3. In arid and semiarid climates, upward movement of moisture in the soil may concentrate calcium carbonate in the upper layers of the soil. What is this process called?

D. Calcification


4. There is a soil-forming process that takes place in cool, humid climates, where drainage is poor and the soil is waterlogged. This process produces dark, highly organic A horizons. What is this process called?

B. Gleization


5. In arid climates, where drainage is poor, and water moves upward in the soil and evaporates, salts are deposited at the surface of the soil. What is this process called?

D. Salinization


6. Which soil order is the newest, most recently developed soil, without soil horizons?

A. Entisols


7. Which soil order covers the largest amount of land, approximately 1/5 of the land surface of the Earth?

C. Aridisols


8. Which soil order, often found in grassland regions, contains soft, nutrient-rich soils that are very productive for agriculture?

E. Mollisols


9. Cation exchange capacity would most likely be highest in a soil that is what?

D. High in clay and organic matter


10. When gravitational water has drained off, and most of the pore spaces in a soil are filled with water, the soil is said to be at what?

C. Field capacity