When your instructor doesn’t care how you cite as long as you do cite, make sure to include the information someone would need to find your source on their own. A citation for the TED Talk above might look like this:
“Janine Benyus: Biomimicry in Action.” TED Talk. https://www.ted.com/talks/janine_benyus_biomimicry_in_action.
Every time you use a quotation, a piece of information, or an image from another source, cite the source right where you use it, whether it’s on your project board or in your paper, job book or presentation.
Include enough information to allow your audience to figure out which source (from your complete list at the end) you’re citing. For example, if you use the TED Talk in the example above, the citation on your board or presentation slide might be “Janine Benyus TED Talk."