Decide what to study
The key to using your time well is to identify what you need to study. If you try to reread your textbook from cover-to-cover, you'll never finish!
When studying specifically for a test, focus only on material that might be on the test.
- If you have a study guide, use it to guide your studying.
- If you don’t have a study guide, ask your instructor if they have any tips on how or what you should study, such as focusing on lecture notes or on readings from the textbook.
- *Hot Tip* Be sure to be polite about how you ask this. Instructors don’t like hearing, “Is this important?” Everything they are share and assign is important, or else they would not waste your time or their time with it. Just because it is not on the test doesn’t make it unimportant.
- Instead, ask something like, “How would you recommend I study for the test?” or “What will the test cover?”
More tips for studying without a study guide:
- Review notes from class
- Look at your notes and consider the subject of each lecture and how it was organized. Then look for the most important information.
- The time spent not just looking over your notes but also noticing how they are organized or what is most important is a great review.
- Look through the assigned readings. Don't reread them cover-to-cover, but look through the headings and illustrations. Which parts are familiar to you? Which do you need to spend a little time reviewing?
Decide how much to study and at what pace
- Make a study plan.
- You’ve already decided what content you need to study.
- Now you should decide how much time you can spend studying for the test.
- Depending on which study strategies you use (see below), you also might want to decide much time you can devote to each topic.
- You don’t want to spend all your time learning the first item on the study guide and never get a chance to make it to the rest. It’s better to make sure you get a chance to review most of what is important, even if that means you don’t know any one topic perfectly. Make sure you give yourself enough time to review each concept on your study guide.
- However, if you know that a particular topic is very important, then it would be worth devoting enough time to that topic to be sure you understand it.
- The idea is that however you decide to use your time, be intentional about how much time you are spending on different topics for your test.
When to study
- Make sure to space your studying out! Taking a break is one of the best learning tools. Seriously. There are two reasons for this:
- Sleep plays an important role in memory.
- Learning is most effective when information is reviewed during different study sessions, preferably on different days.
- So, study smart; don’t cram. Do your best to get good sleep between study sessions. If possible, spread your study sessions out. Studying a couple times a week, over several weeks is a great pace.
- Don’t have time for that? At least try to break your studying up, even if it is just with a short walk.
- Another tip on when to study: when you aren’t hungry. The brain needs a lot of fuel, so be sure to get enough to eat when you are studying.